martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

Hand Tools

1.Hammer:Tool for to hit,compounds by one head,usually iron and one mango.

2.Screwdriver:Instuments that is used for unscrew and screwing.

3.Pliers:tool of metal similar a one pincers with the tip flat or round than serves for to hold papers.

4.Wrench:The wrench is a tool used to adjust or loosen nuts and bolts

5.Handsaw:Saw broad leaf and a single mango.

6. File:Instruments of steel with the surface striated for wear and to smooth the metals and other matter tough.

7.Drill: Instruments sharp and in spiral,that by rotation and presurre ,pick one thing

8.Screw:Cylinder of metal or wood that enter and is in the nut

9.mallet:Hammer of wood

10. Spatula:A hand tool with a thin flexible blade used to mix or spread soft substances.

11.Nail:Piece metallic long and slim,with head and tip,used for to fix or secure one thing to another

12.Scissors:It is used for to cut.

13.Hacksaw:It is used for to cut metal.

14.Clamp:It is used for to hold materials.

15.Ruler:Is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths

16.Compass:Is used for to draw curves regular and to take distance

17.Set Squares:Is used to draw and check square angles.

18.Allen K ey:Used to hold or twist allen bolts

19.Stapler:Is used for to staple

20.Shears:Are large scissors with strong blades

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